
ThisdocumentcontainstheguidesyouwillusetolearnaboutandimplementtheFacebookPagesAPI.BeginningOctober2,2020,wewillbeginmigratingselect ...,圖形API是應用程式讀取與寫入Facebook社交關係圖的主要方法。我們所有的SDK和產品皆會以某些方式與圖形API有所互動,而且其他API都是圖形API的擴充功能,所以 ...,為FacebookforDevelopers用戶開發應用程式。深入探討人工智慧、商業工具、遊戲、開放原始碼、發佈、社交網站硬體、...

Facebook Pages API

This document contains the guides you will use to learn about and implement the Facebook Pages API. Beginning October 2, 2020, we will begin migrating select ...

圖形API - Meta for Developers

圖形API 是應用程式讀取與寫入Facebook 社交關係圖的主要方法。我們所有的SDK 和產品皆會以某些方式與圖形API 有所互動,而且其他API 都是圖形API 的擴充功能,所以 ...

Meta for Developers

為Facebook for Developers 用戶開發應用程式。深入探討人工智慧、商業工具、遊戲、開放原始碼、發佈、社交網站硬體、社交網站整合,以及虛擬實境。

Meta Developer Documentation

Meta Developer Documentation. Learn the basics of how to send and receive data from the Meta social graph and how to implement the APIs, Platforms, ...

Facebook SDK for Android

This documentation describes how to integrate your Android app with Facebook to build engaging social apps by using the Facebook SDK for Android. To learn more ...

Graph API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

The Graph API is the primary way for apps to read and write to the Facebook social graph. All of our SDKs and products interact with the Graph API in some ...


我們會透過fb.com 或facebookmail.com 網域發送「開發人員重要通知」和電子郵件,與開發人員交流聯絡。請確保與您Facebook 帳號連結及在應用程式中註冊的電子郵件地址 ...


Check out these guides to get started with your Facebook integration: Register and Configure a Facebook App · Learn about our SDKs · Dive into the Graph API ...

Facebook Login - Documentation

Documentation for developers on how to log users into your app or website with Facebook Login.

Meta 開發人員說明文件

Meta 開發人員說明文件. 瞭解如何傳送和接收Meta 社交關係圖資料的基本概念,以及如何 ... Developers 粉絲專頁. 條款和政策. 平台計劃中心 · 開放平台使用條款 · 開發人員 ...